This Halloween, the Walkers are staying in Animalville and planning on turning their home into the scariest attraction in town! Inspired by old horror movies and books, the Walkers have chosen the graveyard theme and the decorating has already begun. But, it all only sounded so easy…
It turns out that there is a contest for the scariest, best decorated yard in town. So, lots of other Animalville residents are looking for the best decorations, too. The shop shelves are either empty, or in such disarray that the poor Walkers can’t find a thing! What can they do – give up on Halloween? No!
To win the content, the Walkers will need help from the most attentive, eagle-eyed person in the whole world to join them in their search for Halloween decorations. This incredible person is you! Play “Shopping Clutter 12: Halloween at the Walkers”, exercise your brain, and enjoy an incredible Halloween atmosphere!